With the photo shown below I won the first prize of a competition run by the Teylingen Council in 2010. The picture was printed
on the cover of the 2010-2011 Teylingen Council Guide.
Warmont Castle
The following photo was published in the book: Alexander Koenders, (ed.). Deel de Natuur. Uitgelicht. [Jaarsveld], Stichting
Deel de Natuur, 2010.

Candle stick fungus
The photos pictured below were published in the book: Daan Schoonhoven, (ed.). Beleef buiten. [Nijkerk], Birdpix, 2011.

Cross-leaved heath Yellow stagshorn
The magazine Vogels 2012;32(3):34 and the Diary 2020 of Vogelbescherming included the following photo:
In the Crossbill Guides series a new volume was published in 2014, i.e.: Hilbers, Dirk, en Kees Woutersen: Canary Islands:
I. Lanzarote and Fuerteventura (Spain). Arnhem, Crossbill Guides Foundation, 2014. This book contained seven of my
photos. One of them was printed on the frontcover.

Playa de Cofete Montañas del Fuego

Ramalina canariensis Windmill in Llanos de la Concepcíon

Canary spurge Lanzarote viper's bugloss

East Canary sand crocus
In the same series another volume was published in 2015, i.e.: Hilbers, Dirk, en Kees Woutersen: Canary Islands:
II. Tenerife and La Gomera (Spain). Arnhem, Crossbill Guides Foundation, 2015. This book contained one of my photos.

Tenerife gecko
One of my pictures was published in: Schoonhoven, Daan (ed.). Praktijkboek wildlife fotografie. Zoogdieren fotograferen in
binnen- en buitenland. [Nijkerk], Birdpix/Nederpix, 2015.

Chacma baboon
In: Vos, Dick de. Dieren in de stad. Leiden, Ginkgo, 2015, one of my pictures of foxes was included.

Red fox
In Natuurfoto Magazine nr. 23 (2016) the following picture was published, together with an interview.

Approaching rain cloud
In: Vos, Dick de. Natuur in de stad. Bijles voor burgers. Leiden, Ginkgo, 2016, the next picture was incorporated.

Northern goshawk
With this picture I obtained in 2016 the first prize of a photo competition on raptors organized by Roots. The picture was
published in the november 2016 edition of that magazine.

Northern goshawk
The picture below was published in DeelDeNatuur Photomagazine 2017.

Flowering desert
This picture was included in DeelDeNatuur Photomagazine 2018

European pine marten
In the magazine Bomennieuws, edition summer 2019, a publication of the Tree Foundation, an article about galls
written by me on invitation was published. The pictures were also made by me.

In the book: Pouwels, Arend, Michael Emmerich, Jan van der Geld, Roelof Janssens, Elly Riemens and
Marga Ronhaar (eds.). Beelden verwonderen, 35 jaar VAN. Amstelveen, VAN, 2019, four of my pictures
were published.

Pied avocets

European pine marten

European sparrow-hawk

Common redshank
In the book: Ommering, Gerrit van, Gijsbert van der Bent en René van Rossum (eds.). Coepelduynen op de kaart.
Katwijk, Stichting Berkheide Coepelduijen, 2022, a few dozen of my pictures were included.

In the Crossbill Guides series a new volume was published in 2023, i.e.: Hilbers, Dirk, Kees Woutersen and Constant Swinkels:
Lanzarote and Fuerteventura: Canary Islands - Spain. Arnhem, Crossbill Guides Foundation, 2023. In this book six of my pictures are shown.
2011. 25 October 2011 - 15 June 2012: Gallery Papyrus, Leiden.
2012. 4 October 2012 - 2 January 2013: Alrijne Hospital, Leiderdorp.
2013. 4 January 2013 - 28 March 2013: Gelderse Vallei Hospital, Ede.
2013. 26 September 2013 - 23 October 2013: Gallery De Pomp, Warmond.
2018. 22 March - 25 April: Gallery De Pomp, Warmond.
2021. 18 March - 21 April: Gallery De Pomp, Warmond.